When I came in on Thursday to the hospital they told me that it was time to board in (stay the night at the hospital to "practice" taking care of her). This is code for in 24 hours we will get to come home, all things going well. So, we started the planning. At the hospital, they started the discharge paperwork and final tests. I frantically ran to Target to get anything else that I thought that we could possibly need at home (I know, you would think that we would have had everything by this time).
She had a car seat test-strapped into her car seat for one hour and thirty minutes hooked up to all of the monitors to make sure her respiration was fine and it was.
We spent the night with Leah Thursday night. The first four hours were a little nerve racking-no monitors to beep at us to tell us if something was wrong and we have forgotten about all of those funny little noises babies make when they sleep. We set an alarm to make sure that she got up every four hours to sleep and we didn't need it because she woke us up every three hours to eat and ate very well, almost 2 ounces per feeding (they want her to eat between 40 ccs-an ounce and a third to 60 ccs-2 ounces per feeding).
Friday morning came and she had her hospital photos taken. The doctor took examined her and we were on our way. I asked Dr. Schooley if she was sure we were ready to go home and she said absolutely, it was time. It was both scary and exciting to get the news.
Yesterday, at home was great. A little strange that we didn't have to go back to the hospital last night. Leah seems to be adjusting well. She is eating very well; she definitely seems to have turned the corner on eating (she is at about 5 lbs, 2 ounces). We also learned last night that we need to be a little noisier around here. She is use to a lot of noise, so after a couple of hours of restlessness during the night, we turned on the TV and it seemed to work.
Quin is excited to have her home too. He likes having her around and really likes not having to go to the hospital! Leah will be six weeks old on Monday and as of yesterday her gestational age was 37 weeks. It is hard to believe. The time has actually gone by pretty fast considering all of the hospital visits. We really can't say enough how much we have appreciated all the thoughts, prayers and support. All of the food "support" has also come in handy. Brian said yesterday that he didn't think that I had make a meal since before Leah was born and I am pretty sure that he is right. I guess I will have to remember how to do that again now that we are home...
I will continue to post her progress, as well as doing a better job now of updating you all on Quin...kindergarten is just a couple of weeks away.
u have a beautiful baby girl..:D