Last night, little Leah weighed in at 1424 grams which translates to 3 lbs. 2.2 oz. so progress was made. Being so small, it seems to really show when a couple of ounces are gained! Starting today they are also beginning to fortify her milk with more calories and vitamins to hopefully speed along the growing as well.
Everything else is going well. No new tests have been ordered or areas of concern identified. The focus is still on gaining weight and maturing.
According to the doctor, at minimum she is going to be in the hospital another 3 weeks. So, we have a lot more hospital trips ahead of us.
Above are a couple of new pictures including her first sponge bath (which she wasn't so happy about).
Leah is still looking great! We will be around a LOT in the coming weeks. No big plans. So, Quin is more than welcome to hang with us any time.