Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Disney on Ice

Last weekend we went to Disney on Ice with some of the kids from Quin's class. Actually, the girls and Quin. It was actually pretty good. A couple of fun notes:

  • While the girls were oohing and ahhing about the performance and singing and dancing with the music, Quin was busy asking me questions like, "How do the characters talk?" and "How do they get up there?," " How do they fly in the air like that?" At times, even came up with logical answers to these questions himself.

  • Quin is a cheap date. Really, this wasn't just for this event. It is kind of funny, he never wants to go out to eat, he doesn't want a lot of things. So, at the show, you are inundated with Disney everything. All of the kids wanted the snow cones in the special cups and the popcorn in the Disney box, etc. Not Quin. He just wanted a bottle of water and the Peter Pan sword. Not the sword that lit up (which was more expensive), but the plain, Peter Pan sword that was less expensive. You gotta love that!

Let's Bowl, Let's Bowl, Let's Rock and Roll

The title will only make sense if you have seen Grease 2. Not the most stellar movie, but entertaining music.

Jadyn's 5th birthday party was at the bowling party and Quin was very excited. This is at the same place that Quin's party will be in a few short weeks. Here are a couple of pictures from the fun.