So, I know that I am a complete slacker for not updating the blog. Really, I am not sure where the days go. Leah is continuing to do very well. She keeps getting bigger and bigger. She had her two month vaccinations two weeks ago and did well. She weighed in over 7 lbs. Leah has done so well that we didn't need to schedule another appointment until October. She stays alert much more during the day, sometimes an hour or more at a time. She is smiling when touched a certain way on the cheek and she is very close to smiling when you talk to her. She knows what she wants and lets you know, but is mostly easily soothed. Leah loves to get a bath and is a cuddler. She seems to really like Quin. Quin can quiet her down pretty easily.
Since her doctor's visit, she has been spitting up more and having discomfort taking some of her bottles and lying down so we went back to the doctor yesterday. It seems that it is common for preemies to have problems with reflux. Her case doesn't seem to be severe, but nonetheless, they are putting her on Zantac to make her feel better. The doctor said that there really isn't any concern putting her on the medicine, but might as well do it so that she would feel better while eating and sleeping. I weighed her at home naked yesterday morning and she was 8 lbs. 11 ounces. They weighed her at the doctor's office with clothes and she was 9 lbs. 4 ounces. So, she is hovering around that 9 lb. mark. They continue to be pleased with her weight gain. She may catch up sooner that we think!
Quin is doing well with school. He loves it, which is great! Quin is also testing his mischievousness in the new school. On my way home from the doctor yesterday, I got a call from the school nurse, letting me know that Quin had stuck a little ball of bread up his nose at lunch. They couldn't see it and wanted me to come get him and take him to the doctor to make sure that it was out. (Keep in mind, I had already been to the doctor once already.) So, I pick up Quin and we try blowing his nose a couple of times and nothing, but he thinks that he still feels something. When I ask why he did it, he said a boy at his table told him to. That answer led to a discussion on thinking before doing. I head toward the doctor's office and hope that they can get us in quickly without an appointment (it is the lunch hour so they are not taking calls). Luckily, we get there and they got us in right away. The doctor couldn't see it, but went ahead and flushed out his nose a couple of times with warm water to make sure. This was very uncomfortable for Quin; I had to hold down his arms while the doctor flushed it out. He did well, but didn't enjoy it. As a result, Quin learned a valuable lesson about putting things up his nose. On the way back to school, I asked him what he was going to do the next time someone asked him to put something in his nose and he replied with a resounding "NO!"